Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Golden Briefcase CONTEST!

Golden Briefcase Logo Redesign Contest!!!!

Well I have been sitting on this news for about a week now, but I wanted to post when the new artwork was up. A few weeks back, a podcast I listen to called "The Golden Briefcase" put on a contest to redesign their itunes image/logo. Now if you're not familiar with the podcast, and you are a movie fan, you absolutely should be. They are the official podcast of, and have two wonderfully insightful hosts, Tim Buel and Jeremy Kirk, and are joined by a fellow movie enthusiast every week.

My goal with the design was to maintain font and color choice, because these guys have spent the last year or so developing themselves as a "brand" and every week, both new and old listeners go through itunes or any other pod catcher to listen to their show. The first thing that stands out is the color, stark gold against dark crimson. Luckily we were able to use movie stills so i picked a few that were favorites of myself as well as Tim and Jeremy's. I wanted to design something that was both simple at first glance but upon further viewing would provide more details. And of course the golden figures, with film reel and camera heads represent the two hosts, but some could view it as Jules and Vincent from Pulp Fiction, the inspiration behind the Podcast's name. So all in all, I wanted to maintain the basics of their first incarnation and really work with the type and simple design elements. I have really been playing around with Typography and design lately because it is an area I need work in, and when done right can be awe inspiring (thinking about all my fellow Ad-graph ccad-ers).

Now looking through the other submissions I am absolutely humbled, they are incredible well done, with great design and execution. Funny to see how close mine and Christopher Q's are.

All in all it was a blast to work on, Tim and Jeremy are great guys- This was a major victory after an interesting couple of months fresh out of graduation. I figured that I just have to go for it and try some contests and such. But it was easy to be inspired by something I genuinely enjoy on a week to week basis.

Now go search The Golden Briefcase out on itunes and give them a listen

Thanks guys!

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