Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Project

So Miss Natalie, a good friend of Miss Meg's and a newer friend of mine :) is working on an original story that is incredibly well done and very imaginative. I told her I would love to help bring her characters to life which benefit me since I am currently reworking my entire website and portfolio to apply to Gnomon's one year concept art program. This is the very first design for her main character Aeon who is the Character's main protagonist- Like any great RPG, (which is what this project is for) you can choose either sex, so this is for the male option. The story has been described to me as "steampunkian" with bits or fantasy and science fiction- lot's of great characters I can't wait to explore.More concepts on the way- but I wanted to get your opinion and crits-

so pumped to do more designs

1 comment:

  1. So pumped to see more! My comments on facebook give more of my thoughts but I'm so excited to see a first concept!! :) You rock! ~ Natalie
