Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So it is official, I graduated this past Saturday from the Columbus College of Art & Design with honors, not to brag, but it felt good, it was a personal goal for myself, and I did it. Maybe it's that it hasn't set in, or I don't want to think about it, but for a lot of us, we will never be in the same room again, at least not together. My hope is that the close group will stay in touch, I'm sure we will. It was an incredible experience, but I feel as though I must decompress first then acknowledge everything I learned, but I know it is already soaking in. I would also like to give a big shout out to Miss Meg Krueger for landing the Hasbro Internship- Part of me selfishly wants her to stay in the area since we had a project planned for the summer, but of course, I am thrilled that she got such an incredible opportunity.

I'll post more thoughts as they come about, You will see some changes to the blog in the coming month, part of a major re-haul in branding, including my main website, but if you do take a visit over there, don't judge to harshly, I have taken down some things in preparation of the reconstruction. The artwork to be posted will be sketches and design work for my concept art portfolio. I have been watching my Gnomon DVD subscription in hopes of learning some new tricks. I may or may not apply to their one year entertainment design program, but doing so would require a portfolio rework with my coherent pieces.

Now this little piece was just for fun tonight, took about an hour. I am going to try and do some studies from life and photos to work on both anatomy and digital painting. I found some cool reference online and just went for it. One brush, two layers, very fast, very stylized. Crit if you like, it was just for practice, but words of advice are always welcomed and desired

As for family, Grace and friends, I will be doing a special post for you guys next

Thanks everyone, I look forward to the future



  1. Aww thanks KB for the shout-out! You know I've known you longest pretty much at CCAD in terms of keeping up with you regularly n' such and I'm so glad I had that opportunity! Some people really missed out if they went through CCAD at the same time as you and never met you! And a tiny part of me wants to stay here too...I'm going to miss one of the only things you can really do in Ohio-the epic movie gatherings...Maybe I'll have somebody bring me in computer form and I'll watch with you guys on skype LOL!

    But I'll definitely be praying for you and the rest of our friendlies, that opportunities will arise and find each of you. You are one of the people that genuinely enjoy just doing art, and you always work hard and are continuously learning so I know things will go well for you.
    Congratulations on everything good sir!

    As the digital piece- What a great way to start the revamping summer! Just sitting down and working on highly stylized anatomy...and I think you're starting to relax a little more in this piece and just enjoy what you're doing. The eyes are my favorite- they have the most realistic feel out of all the other components. Can't wait to see the next one!

  2. Aw thank you so much Miss Meg, I hope we can get something together before you leave- Very sweet words miss meg, and ditto right back

    I'm looking at the piece on my laptop now and the colors are a little different, but thats what happens. I'm not going to beat myself up over this piece either, just have to use it as a stepping stone

  3. I still want to get in on a project, so you always have me!

    I think the painting would be a good start, even though I know you don't intend to really take it further. Although we've talked about it before, I still think you're dropping the mouth too far down on the face. It makes your characters look like they're all frowning or angry. And I agree with Meg, the eyes are the best part.

    We shall work on digital painting together this summer!

  4. gracias Mr. Newman- yep you are totally right. I used reference but in the reference her head is sort of tilted, and I think that screwed me up where i strayed from that with a more front facing pose, I really need to try another one, and stick extremely close to the reference for practice
